I really admire you! Keep fighting for your students!

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Yessssssss! Good! So good. I work in a school that is inside a juvenile correctional facility here in Maine. Every single day I do my best to uplift these kids who are incarcerated and who are forced to wear masks anytime they are out of their cells. I can’t come right out and tell them that I disagree with all of the policies, but I know they sense what I think and that they agree. I got scolded by my principal several times for not enforcing the masking policy when they are in my room. They let their masks go down below their chin’s, and I don’t tell them to do anything about it. Since we are constantly watched on camera, I have been reported to my principal so many times now that I have lost count. And I simply do not give a rip anymore. I don’t even care if they fire me at this point.

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YES!! Way to go!!

I work in a public elementary school in a “blue” state, so naturally the insane and unscientific policies are in place here as well.

I was cursing to myself reading about what those poor kids have to endure with eating outside at your school. We have outdoor seating as well, but at my school we have tables and chairs for the kids, and only enough room for two classes at a time for each grade. So the rest of the kids eat in the cafeteria. Individuals are separated by plexiglass in the cafe of course.

Our kids are expected to eat outside if the temperature is above 20 degrees. So if it’s 20 degrees, they should be out there. Uh...I don’t think so! I make the call on a day to day basis for my Kindergarteners. If it’s even slightly chilly out, I won’t let them eat out if they don’t have a coat on. And if it’s windy, I say no as well. The Board can come and talk to me about it...I don’t care. What are they gonna do? Fire me? We’re short staffed everywhere because of all of this!!

Keep on speaking out, and I’ll do the same! For the kids...and us all!

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Thank you!

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Blessings to you for your concern and fortitude!

Something to consider here.

Cold stress induces lower urinary tract symptoms


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You are a great example, thank you.

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It is not easy to be both a monk and a warrior, but it seems you are finding a good balance. You are an all-american in my book!

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Pure insanity. How can they not even see that other places, other schools in other states or maybe counties in their own state, do not implement these crazy procedures, and nothing bad happens? The data is one thing, but it is hard to believe all of these people live in such crazyville, they don't look outside their own little worlds for even a second.

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You're doing good work. It's really brave and decent of you to push back on behalf of children.

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AJ DePriest Uncovers The Enormous Covid Bribes To All Education And Hospitals From The US Government https://www.bitchute.com/video/WVlMdnQg2Yzw/

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Not that it justifies any of the school policies, but this meta-analysis claims about half of transmission is pre-symptomatic:

"The proportion of presymptomatic transmission ranged from 45.9% (95% CI 42.9% to 49.0%) to 69.1% (95% CI 66.2% to 71.9%)."


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It's strange how other studies, though, demonstrate the opposite: that even pre-symptomatic transmission occurs very rarely. For instance, the meta-anaylsis that you cite takes data from the early stages of the pandemic (Dec 2019 - May 2020) and comes to a dramatic conclusion of pre-symptomatic prevalence not supported by more recent research. During this stage of the pandemic, incidentally, nearly all transmission occurred in care homes and hospitals, where individuals most certainly spread the virus while showing clinical features of covid.

This more recent study from July 2021 showed that only 1.12% of pre-symptomatic cases spread the virus. https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-021-01609-w

"Transmission by pre-symptomatic patients was observed to be very low (1.12%)"

To me, after consulting the most up to date literature, it looks like there is essentially zero asymptomatic transmission, a minuscule amount of pre-symptomatic transmission, and nearly all transmission comes from actively ill people, just like all other respiratory pathogen transmission throughout human history.

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Those numbers refer to different things and do not contradict each other. The BMJ study claims about half of all transmissions come from pre-symptomatics. The VJ study states that 1.12% of "contacts" with pre-symptomatics resulted in transmission.

Nevertheless, I hesitate to take panic-driving articles at face value during a mass-panic.

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