Congratulations on taking a principled stand. Few of us do. In case you need another reason to avoid masks at school, where mental performance is important:

Multiple studies find significant declines in cognitive performance at 1,000 to 1,500 ppm CO₂, a small fraction of the approximately 10,000 ppm associated with breathing through a face mask.


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Phenomenal. THANK YOU for being one of the few teachers fighting for truth and actually caring about our children. I wish teachers like you weren't so rare. (I'm also sadly impressed by the fact that you write very well and intelligently, because I keep coming across teachers who don't, which also makes me worry about our kids' futures...) I hope you'll keep us posted about if and how they respond. They obviously cannot argue with anything you said.

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Thank you for the kind words!

I am certainly going to keep readers posted. I've already received a response of pure gobbledegook from my Head of School. Of course, he couldn't argue against anything I said. A lot of insanity occurred at my school this past week, which I'll write about soon. Updates forthcoming!

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Thank you! This is the letter I have been trying to write to my kids' private school, with many drafts, but I have been unable to "mask" my tone of anger and frustration. Kudos to you for writing with a clear, respectful, and firm tone. And for putting the burden of proof on the school. And for the compilation of studies and summaries. I hope that this letter goes out to many schools! How would you like letters credited to you, or not?

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Feel free to use this letter in any manner you deem appropriate. I'm happy to help in anyway I can. Perhaps, though, you could share my newsletter with any other people you know who might value the content. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for this! I live in Boulder, CO and even though Denver and surrounding counties are dropping their mask mandates, our county is not. I’d love to use a version of your post to craft a letter to our health department and our school superintendent. This HAS to stop!! Thank you again.

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Loved your letter..I have also written many letters to my school governing body to no avail. My problem. I’m an American missionary living and teaching in S Africa where masks are mandated at Nationwide level with threats of jail time and fines. These threats are mostly that. Threats! . I’m the principal and yet am the only one not enforcing masks. Even my teachers prefer to defer to the school governing body and enforce them strictly despite me encouraging them not to. The psychosis runs deep. I stated out wearing mine but taking it down.I just finally took it off completely. Thankfully, I’m supported by outside funding as a missionary and not paid by the governing body so they have no leverage over me. In fact! They need me.

In my class, my students got to choose this past year. Only 2 of 9 students in my small class of 6th and 7th graders in our spall Christain school in a low income community wore them religiously. This was because they’re parents were fully indoctrinated in the Covid cult.

We have only 70 kids in the whole school.

It’s maddening they still believe the narrative and abuse kids like this. I’m on a hiatus this year for fundraising in America to continue missionary work but have told them I’ll not be back at that school unless they make some changes. I’ll start my own thing and it won’t include one freakin thing the government says regarding health because they don’t have a stinkin clue.

Where do you teach?

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Do any commenters have sources or links to share on the prevalence of world-wide masking of school children? I know that the European version of the CDC discourages masking kids under 13. I am seeking comparative evidence to show that many States in the USA are an outlier among world norms for masking children in school.

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Bravo. The science teachers at your school ought to hang their heads in shame.

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Thank you for fighting. My situation is quite similar. Teacher at a private jr./sr. high. In September I decided to just remove the damned mask. I was the only one. I took some heat, but kept it off until December, when I quit. I was also trying to educate and warn, mostly on the vaccine. Handouts to the students, letters to the administration, and I got the same directive: You can't talk about this anymore. OK. I'm outta here. Might start my own school. I'd love to compare notes.

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